Control - Salvador boss strategy

Publish date: 2023-04-20
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You've made your way through the Panopticon and Dylan's cell is just within reach. First, however, you need to defeat Salvador - the Hiss infected Head of Security for the Federal Bureau of Control. Well, former Head of Security now.

Salvador is the second boss fight in Control and will really test your mastery of the game. Make sure you're properly prepared for an intense battle.

Trust me - the reward is definitely worth it.

On this page:

Need more help in your quest through the Oldest House? Then check out our Control walkthrough hub, with links to all our Control guides.

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How to prepare for the Salvador battle in Control

So you've finally found Salvador and, just like Tommasi, he's been infected by the Hiss.

Be prepared - this can be a difficult battle, even for the more talented Control player.

Before you begin the Salvador boss fight, we highly recommend that you spend any spare Ability Points. It's worth unlocking the Launch Explosives ability in the Launch skill tree, which will let you throw the rockets and grenades. A lot of those will be flying around in this battle.

It's also worth unlocking the Seize ability by completing the A Captive Audience mission. This will allow to turn some of Salvador's backup onto your side, providing you with some useful backup throughout the battle.

You should also make sure that you have the best Mods - both Weapon and Personal - for your play style. Ideal Mods for this battle include Launch Efficiency, Health Recovery and, if you're planning to use Seize, Seize Accelerator.

It’s time to journey into the mysterious Federal Bureau of Control. Our Control walkthrough can help you through the storyline missions, including Welcome to the Oldest House, Unknown Caller, Directorial Override, Old Boy’s Club, Threshold, My Brother's Keeper, The Face of the Enemy, Finnish Tango, Polaris and Take Control. You can also learn new supernatural powers by completing A Merry Chase, A Good Defence and A Captive Audience. We also have guides on upgrading the Service Weapon, your Abilities, how to use Weapon and Personal Mods, how to unlock every outfit and the solution to the Roulette Wheel puzzle.

How to defeat Salvador in Control

Salvador is a combination of a Hiss Warped and a Hiss Elevated.

He has the ability to protect himself with a shield of rubble and he'll attack you by throwing projectiles. This includes grenades, which is fun.

Shortly after the battle begins, Salvador will summon a collection of Hiss forces for backup. This includes Hiss Demolition Experts, Hiss Guards and Hiss Snipers. Some of these enemies will have a shield.

The main issue you might have with this battle, however, is your ability to see what is going on. The red and black colour scheme can make it hard to see obstacles and it doesn't help that the battlefield is cluttered with objects.

Make sure that you're constantly moving from one side of the battlefield to the other, picking up Health Elements as you go. Try to avoid being stuck in a corner, because this will lead to an early death.

The best approach to this battle is to take out the Hiss forces first in whatever way you feel best. Once these Hiss forces are dead, they are dead forever, leaving you alone with Salvador.

Now that you can focus on Salvdaor throw projectiles at him to lower his shield and then, once its down, fill him with bullets from the Service Weapon. Salvador will also lower his shield when he wants to throw projectiles, allowing you to get some more hits in.

Make sure you don't get hit by one of his projectiles though.

Eventually you will kill Salvador.

After you've finished celebrating, head over to the television. Before you cleanse it, however, check out the two sets of stairs either side of it. One will have a chest on it and the other a collectable.

Cleansing the Benicoff TV will return you to the Astral Plane and begin the Levitate tutorial.

Collectables to be found:

Now that you've defeated Salvador, it's time to learn how to Levitate in Control.

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