Final Fantasy 12 - Behemoth King location, requirements and strategies for the Rank VII Truth Shrouded in Mist

Publish date: 2022-09-24
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Here on this page of our Final Fantasy 12 Elite Hunts and Marks guide, we'll be taking you through everything you need to know in order to defeat Behemoth King - a Rank VII Elite Mark for the Truth Shrouded in Mist Hunt - including the Petitioner and Mark's locations, the Hunt requirements, and strategies for the battle itself.

If you're looking for one of the other Marks however, you can head back to our Final Fantasy 12 Hunts and Marks locations, requirements and strategies hub. For other tips and explainers meanwhile, head to our Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age guide and walkthrough, where we cover plenty more.

Behemoth King and the Truth Shrouded in Mist Hunt location and requirements

Before you get to the actual battle, here's everything you need to know about Behemoth King and the Truth Shrouded in Mist Hunt:

Koqmin, the petitioner, is sat on the floor near the table in Old Dalan's house. Talk to him and he'll give you some pretty vague clues as to where the mark is and how to get them to appear, but that's why we're here!

Teleport to Giruvegan and walk out into the Edge of Reason area of Feywood.You need to start by clearing this area of all life, but due to the visibility and the occasional reluctance of the Basilisks to come out of hiding you'll need to be very methodical - we recommend making three passes; first spiral around the area, then make a south west/north east zigzag, and finally a south east/north west zigzag. Once you're happy it's clear, exit into Ice Field of Clearsight and repeat the process.

Once both areas are devoid of life re-enter Edge of Reason and head for the middle - if the Behemoth King doesn't spawn it means you've missed an enemy or two so you'll need to double check both areas.

Behemoth King strategies and how to defeat it

If he does spawn, get comfy as you could be in for a long slog - he's got over 1.5 million HP and very high defence so even the toughest party you can assemble is going to take a while to wear him down. He hits for around 5000 HP with his physical attacks, and while his White Breath attack isn't quite as damaging it will usually inflict Stop, so Bubble and some suitable accessories can make this go a lot more smoothly. Try and keep your party spread out as much as possible - he doesn't like to move around much and is pretty slow when he does.

For more help with? Final Fantasy 12? Our Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age guide, walkthrough, Switch and Xbox differences gives an overview of the game to get you started. Elsewhere, there's our hidden Espers strategy and locations and Elite Hunts and Marks pages, how to get the best Zodiac Jobs for each character, advice on farming LP from Jellies and even how to get the Zodiac Spear.

Beyond that, there's not much in the way of tactics - the main difficulty in this fight just comes down to endurance rather than skill. Pound on him as hard as you can, and have your healer maintain Bubble, keep your HP topped up, and resurrect anyone who falls, and then wait. (Now is a good time to crank battle speed up and out fast forwarding on 4x).

After an interminable amount of time he'll throw up a Paling, at which point bring out your Black Mage and spam him with either Shock or Scathe; the latter does more damage but takes a little longer to cast so we can't be entirely sure which works out more damaging over time. Scathe looks cooler, though, and that's the important thing.

Eventually his Paling will fall and he'll erect a magic shield, so you'll need to swap back to hitting him with things, and eventually he'll die.

Return to the petitioner for your measly reward. Not worth it for all that time? Well there's more! Head to Mt. Bur-Omisace and into the Temple Approach area. Unequip Vaan's weapon, then approach the giant stone wyrm head on the left to get an action prompt. Punch him on the nose, and out will pop 500,000 Gil and a Rod of Faith. Now that's a reward!

Be sure to cycle back to our main Final Fantasy 12 Marks and Hunts strategy guide for more on those, otherwise head to our primary Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age guide and walkthrough hub for plenty more on the game in general!

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