Death Stranding Episode 12 and final boss fight explained

Publish date: 2022-09-27
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Death Stranding Episode 12: Bridges is the final leg of your journey, and follows taking down Cliff in Episode 11.

This also features an encounter with Death Stranding's final boss. Hope you're ready!

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Order 68 - Crytobiote Delivery: Capital Knot City Isolation Ward

After the last episode, you'll start in Port Knot City - putting you in the Eastern region from where you started the game. Once you have left the Private Room, pick up this Order, which has you return to Capital Knot City.

This is a much shorter distance to what you've just made across the country, but there's a few extra things to consider.

One is you cannot fabricate any equipment - meaning you have to rely on what you already have, what's in any Private Lockers in Terminals, or what's found out and about in Postboxes.

The other is increased BT activity. You'll encounter a group of jellyfish in the mountains just as you emerge from Port Knot City, as well as possible BT 'boss' encounters along the way.

The constant rainfall will take a toll on your cargo and any vehicles you are lucky to find along the way, so make sure you rest at the Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City half way to repair it all.

And remember, the cargo you are carrying cannot be submerged at all. Vehicles will help here, otherwise make use of bridges as you get closer to your destination. Don't worry if you drop your cargo in the tar that BTs create - it won't be damaged if that happens.

As you leave Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City and head east, also expect encounters with 'regular' BTs with cords, as well as some Mules. Finally, just as you reach Capital Knot City, you'll face a giant flying whale BT - the final boss of Death Stranding.

Tomorrow is in our hands - again! Learn about the Director's Cut's new features, including new story missions, a racing mode, Half-Life missions and how to transfer saves to PS5. Our main Death Stranding walkthrough outlines how to play through the story, including Episode 3 missions, the Small Thermonuclear Device and how to find a way to change Lockne's mind As you play, you can find Memory Chip locations, learn how Death Stranding multiplayer works.

How to defeat Death Stranding's final boss

This encounter is much like the fight against the giant walking BT at the end of Episode 9. Grab the Rocket Launchers and Assault Rifles lying around, and fire them at the whale that is flying through the air.

The attacks it has its disposal are limited - it can emerge and crash into the tar, as well as fire golden BTs from above at you. To help combat both of these, climb onto the roof of a nearby building.

That way, the whale will swim or emerge around you and not at you, and when it fires the gold BTs, they will just smash into the roof and disappear, and not attempt to drag you down into the tar.

From a roof, you can freely fire at the enemy over and over. New weapons will be thrown into the tar on a regular basis, so you might have to climb down and grab them before returning.

If you can't get onto a roof, then don't panic - the boss still shouldn't attack and come your way too often. And if you struggle to find where it is, look at your Odradek and look towards the direction it's pointing at.

Once you're done, make sure you pick up any dropped cargo, and the giant mass of Chiral Crystals where the boss died - a well-earned reward.

To finish the Episode and start the ending of Death Stranding, remember you need to go to the Isolation Ward, and not the Capital Knot City terminal. This then begins Episode 13 and 'make a decision'.

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