Far Cry 5 - Fire In The Hole solution

Publish date: 2023-01-26
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Far Cry 5 Fire In The Hole is a puzzle you have to solve within the Holland Valley region.

It's one of many Prepper Stash locations you'll find throughout the game, all giving you rewards once you solve and figure out how to access them.

If you're interested in other Far Cry 5 guides, we have have articles on endings, fishing and perks.

Fire In The Hole solution

Location: Wellington Residence

Rewards: 3 x perk magazines, $1,000

The location you're looking for is south of Orville Creek (which is due south of the Miller Residence. It can be quite a hike, so pack a decent shotgun so you can take out any predators that might cross your path on the way.

Look out for a pair of NPCs camping on the left-hand side of the river, as one of them will have a clue to the Prepper Stash.

You'll eventually reach a bridge. Cross over and look out for some quad bikes parked outside a hut. There four to five cultists in this area, including at least one sniper.

There's also quite a few snakes, so if you're being stealthy, be on the lookout for some slithering dangers as well. When all the cultists have been taken down, read the Prepper Stash clue outside, the head into the hut itself.

Head towards the far left-hand corner and you'll see some wooden planks on the floor. Shoot them to reveal an opening and a ladder. Climb down and you'll enter the mine.

There's a lot of Bliss down here, so be ready for some hazy vision and janky controls. Head forwards and use dynamite to destroy the barrier in front of you.

Now head forwards, turn right and take out the Angel lurking in the shadows. There are two barriers here - the one in front of you leads to a dead end, an Angel and a bag of cash.

The one to your right leads to two Angels. Take them all out and press on.

Turn left, then right and you'll get to another barrier. Destroy it and enter a large cavern wth a chasm in the middle. Shoot the wooden planks blocking the water in the wall to your left and when the water level rises, swim across to the other side.

Take out the Angels then head down the corridor to enter the Prepper Stash.

Looking for more Far Cry 5 guides? Learn how to complete the Arcade Dawn Live Event this week, and when you're back in the campaign, make use of our Prepper Stash locations list, which are among the most interesting missions in the game. As well as Far Cry 5 animal locations, we have an in-depth look at how to fish and hard fishing spots, as well as Bass, Trout, Salmon and Sturgeon locations. All of these can help you unlock Perks in the Challenges List, and ultimately, unlock those Far Cry 5 endings.

While you're here, check out other Prepper Stash locations within Holland Valley (John's region):

Each one will have a different collection of items, ranging from ammunition, to perk points to weapons and they're an ideal for players in their early hours of play to bank plenty of cash and unlock those perks.

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