The Last of Us Part 2 - Ruston Coffee and Barko's Pet Store: All items and how to explore every area

Publish date: 2023-03-03
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Ruston Coffee and Barko's Pet Store are two optional areas within the centre of The Last of Us Part 2's Downtown Seattle.

Exploring them both provides you with some useful items to help with your journey - and find some artefacts to help flesh out the story of what happened in the city.

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Looking for help in other areas of the game? See our The Last of Us 2 walkthrough and collectables hub.

Ruston Coffee

You'll find this optional location north-west of the Courthouse, on the corner.

To enter, throw a brick or other item through the window, then climb in.

Besides a bountiful of supplies, there's some useful collectables here.

Grab the WLF Safe House Supply Note Artefact from the side.

There is a Big Blue Trading Card in one of the drawers in the shop.

Go out the back and to the bathroom.

Be warned - as soon as you open, an infected will spring out at you.

Once dealt with, investigate the fold down table at the back for Barko's Key - also known as the Pet Store Key Artefact.

This adds a new location to the map - next to the Valiant Music Store, and not far from the Dome.

Let's head there next.

Looking for more help? Our The Last of Us Part 2 walkthrough provides pointers for the later chapters of the game, including Hostile Territory, The Shortcut, The Descent, Ground Zero, The Marina, The Island and The Escape. Meanwhile, we have a complete list of The Last of Us Part 2 Safe Code solutions.

Barko's Pet Store

You'll find Barko's Pet Store next to (west of) the Valiant Music Store, which itself is west of the Dome.

To enter, you have to go down the side alley. There is a locked door here. To get the Barko's Pet Store Key, you must first explore the Ruston Coffee shop, which is next to the courthouse.

Once inside, there's a bunch of crafting items and supplements to grab.

Don't forget the Join WLF Note Artefact from the photocopier to the left of where you enter.

Also check out the back for the Long Gun Holster upgrade in the back, next to the checkout machine.

Leave to tick it off on your map.

If you haven't already, complete the Dome and Courthouse to continue the story, though there is more of Downtown Seattle to see before you back to the Fedra Gate.

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