Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon - Mount Lanakila, catch Necrozma, and Icium Z

Publish date: 2022-10-21
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Mount Lanakila, catching Necrozma and Icium Z are the final hurdles in the way of your challenge with the Elite Four, and compared to regular Sun and Moon this Victory Road-style dungeon has been fleshed out quite a bit.

Here on this page we'll explain all you need to know about the story and main events as they unfold here, and as with all pages of our walkthrough we'll highlight any and all trainers, items and wild Pokémon available to catch as well.

For more general guides and other walkthrough pages like this meanwhile, head back to our main Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon walkthrough and guide hub.

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Mount Lanakila, catching Necrozma, and Icium Z

Fly back to Tapu Village and rest up - but also pack your bags full of Poké Balls, because you're going to be catching something pretty powerful in the road ahead.

Head north into Mount Lanakila and, at the base, you'll face a final showdown with Gladion. His Pokémon are much stronger now, but still shouldn't be much of a challenge for you - just remember that pesky Zoroark's ability that makes it appear as the final Pokémon in his party. Fighting and Rock-type attacks are his most common weaknesses

When he's done, you'll be gifted a PP Max, and the way is open for you to continue into the mountain.

At the top of the lift, quickly hang right to pick up an Escape Rope, then press on inside. In the first cave there are several trainers, and if you hang right and double back on yourself, an exit takes you to an external dead end where you can pick up TM84 Poison Jab.

Back inside, continue northwards, pushing the rocks into their slots (push the middle one left, the bottom one down, and the top one right), and then collect a Max Elixir and Max Revive from the tpo of the room. Exit to the north, and you'll be back outside.

There's some long grass with more rare Pokémon here like Glalie and Sneasel (and while we're noting Pokémon, Ultra Moon players can catch Drampa inside the caves). Work your way past the gauntlet of Sparring Partners and into the next area.

For more on Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon, head to our main Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon walkthrough and guide hub, which includes guides to new Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Pokémon and Pokédex changes, the Festival Plaza, a list of Global Missions and rewards, an explainer on Pokémon Bank, a dedicated page on Pokémon Competitive Training, including IV Training, EVs and hidden stats, Breeding 6IV Pokémon explained and how to farm Bottle Caps fast for Hyper Training. What's more, we have pages on the Rockruff event for getting Dusk Form Lycanroc and, last but not least, a full Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon QR codes list for adding all Pokémon to your Pokédex.

Out the other side you'll find a large crater with, you guessed it, Necrozma at its centre. It's weakened, and in regular form, meaning you can finally catch it! Whittle it down, pop a status condition on it and start chucking those Poké Balls, and remember it's just Psychic type in this regular form.

Collect an X Sp. Defense from the path behind it, then press on to the east, where you'll enter another cave.

Directly in front of you here is the Ice-Covered Rock, which enables the evolution of Eevee into Glacion. Head south of the rock to collect items like TM13 Ice Beam, and an external area with another trainer and PP Max, then double back and head north. To the right of the Icy Rock, follow the path as it circles back on itself to find Icium Z, just chilling on a pedestal unguarded, and north of tat a Full Restore.

Next up: Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon - Pokémon League, Elite Four Molayne, Olivia, Acerola and Kahili

Then, head due north from the Icy Rock to exit into the final area, featuring another patch of grass and a Max Revive to the left. Take the lift up to the top, and you're clear! Time to heal those Pokémon at the Pokémon Center nearby.

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