Super Mario Odyssey guide, walkthrough and tips: A complete guide to Mario's huge Switch adventure

Publish date: 2023-01-23
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Super Mario Odyssey, the plumber's first visit to the Nintendo Switch console since it launched, is a pretty massive game, featuring collectibles, bosses, and secrets scattered across a multitude of worlds and areas.

Our Super Mario Odyssey guide is here on this page to help with plenty of those specifics, where we've gathered a number of individual pages together into one handy list, whilst our Super Mario Galaxy walkthrough, which you can find the contents to below, is where you'll find advice for progressing through every step of the main story objectives.

Super Mario Odyssey walkthrough contents

Super Mario Odyssey, as you might have noticed from a glance at that whopping great list below, is quite large.

It's a chaotic game - not strictly linear, but with a series of just about linear objectives that you pick up. Where there's a branching option of which world to go to next, we've simply chosen one to lead with first and noted that at the time. But without any more talking, let's dive in! Just note that you'll find plenty of general tips and tricks for making your life easier a little further below.

Cap Kingdom

Cascade Kingdom

Sand Kingdom

Lake Kingdom

Wooded Kingdom

Cloud Kingdom

Lost Kingdom

Metro Kingdom

Snow Kingdom

Seaside Kingdom

Luncheon Kingdom

Ruined Kingdom

Bowser's Kingdom

Moon Kingdom

Post-game Kingdom (complete the game)

Dark Side of the Moon and Darker Side bonus worlds (unlock 250 and 500 Moons respectively)

Super Mario Odyssey guide - all the individual guides and advice you'll need

As well as our whopping great walkthrough further down the page, and our tips and tricks beyond that, there are several specific things you might want a hand with as you go.

Most obviously will be the locations of all 250 Power Moons (at least the initial 250... but more on that the Moons guide...) but we also have pages on all sorts of other handy things, like where to look for finding the Purple Regional Coins, and how to get all the various outfits and collectibles in the game.

Super Mario Odyssey tips, tricks, and other things to know

You'll pick up plenty of neat little tricks of your own just by playing through the game, but in our experience there are several that'll really help to know in advance. He're a selection of our best tips and tricks for helping that adventure go smoothly.

Super Mario Odyssey tips and tricks:

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