Super Smash Bros Ultimate character unlock guide and Smash Bros character list

Publish date: 2023-02-01

Super Smash Bros Ultimate features every Super Smash Bros character ever created - including some new additions - all in one game. No more complaining about the lack of Pichu, Snake or Wolf - they're all in here.

One initial snag is there are not in the game initially. They require unlocking - with the game giving you the original cast of eight to begin with, and putting you to work on getting the rest.

There are multiple Super Smash Bros character unlock methods, and until you've got them all, we have a Super Smash Bros character list so you can work out who you are missing.

Not only that - but more Super Smash Bros DLC characters have been added over time.

On this page:

Watch Super Smash Bros Ultimate's opening movie

When you have them all, our Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tier List can help you decide who to play as. We also have some Super Smash Bros Ultimate tips if you want to brush up on the essentials, plus everything we know about Super Smash Bros Ultimate DLC.

The fastest way to unlock characters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate

There are multiple ways to unlock characters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate - some easier and more reliable than others.

Apart from World of Light, the way you'll encounter new characters is the same - you have to beat them in combat, with them challenging you to a match.

The fastest way to unlock characters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Play a Smash match (also known as Versus mode) and after the match is over, you'll be challenged by a random character so you can unlock them.

There is a ten minute in-game counter between these encounters, designed to slow down to rate of character unlocks. However, you can avoid this by restarting the game. The next time you play a Smash / Versus match, and you'll then get another character unlock.

You can make this go even quicker is you set it so match settings are set to Stamina, and each character's stamina being as slow as possible (10), enough so a single projectile will end the match - and saving that as a template for future runs.

If you get to a point where this no longer works, you may need to move a certain distance during at match between unlocks as well - dannyjayes1 on reddit recommends playing on the 'Moray Towers' (Splatoon stage), walking up and down, then completing the match.

Doing this method - playing a Smash match, unlocking a character, closing the game and repeating - is a grind, but is the fastest way to go.

Other character unlock methods in Super Smash Bros Ultimate

There are a few other ways to get characters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate:

Note that if you fail when challenged by a character, then you can attempt again by selecting it on the main menu screen. It's intermittent, so keep playing until it appears again.

Every new character added in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, including Fighters Pass DLC, explained

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate lives up to its namesake when it comes to character roster alone, featuring every single character released in previous entries - the 64 original, Melee, Brawl, Wii U and 3DS editions - whether they've featured just once, as DLC, or have been with the series since the beginning.

Who are the new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters?

Not only is there a huge returning roster, there are several new fighters too, with more being added as DLC until the end of 2021:

Meanwhile, the game introduces the concept of 'Echo Fighters'. It's not a new concept; they are reskins of other characters with offer subtle differences in their movesets, but unlike costumes, have their own place in the roster. These include:

Are there any more Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters coming?

Before the game's release, series director Masahiro Sakurai confirmed there would be post-release DLC for Super Smash Bros Ultimate as part of a Fighters Pass. Since then, there is news of a second set of characters, extending this run until the end of 2021, with Sora being the final character added to the game.

A Fighters Pass costs £22.49, and includes that volume's set of fighters. Alternatively, you can get them for £5.59 each, with each set adding a Fighter, a Stage and multiple music tracks - and no Echo Fighters.

It should be said the first Fighters Pass does not include Piranha Plant, which was free DLC if Smash Bros is purchased and bought by January 31st, and then made available in February 2019. If you missed out, it was later made available as paid DLC.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character list

Below is a list of every single Super Smash Bros. character coming to the game, their place in the roster, as well as any differences between their last game and Ultimate.

CharacterNoneSmash Bros Ultimate changes
01: MarioCappy, Wedding and Builder outfits added
02: Donkey KongFinal Smash change, new facial animations
03: LinkChampion's Tunic and Tunic of the Wild added from Breath of the Wild, Final Smash unleashes Ancient Arrows, his bombs now detonate remotely
04: SamusSmash moves can power up in mid-air, and cancelled with jump or dodge
04ᵋ: Dark SamusNew fighter in Ultimate (Samus Echo Fighter)
05: YoshiN/A
06: KirbyStone ability appearance based on stage, Copy ability for every character
07: FoxStar Fox Zero design, Final Smash overhaul (no more Landmaster!)
08: PikachuFemale and Libre versions
09: LuigiN/A
10: NessFinal Smash change
11: Captain FalconSlow-mo during strong attacks
12: JigglypuffN/A
13: PeachN/A
13ᵋ: DaisyNew fighter in Ultimate (Peach Echo Fighter)
14: BowserFinal Smash change
15: Ice ClimbersN/A
16: SheikN/A
17: ZeldaA Link Between Worlds costume, Final Smash change
18: Dr. MarioN/A
19: PichuElectric shocks can damage Pichu
20: FalcoFinal Smash overhaul
21: MarthDancing Blade is faster, voiced in English
21ᵋ: LucinaDancing Blade is faster, now named Echo Fighter
22: Young LinkN/A
23: GanondorfOcarina of Time design, Final Smash change
24: MewtwoN/A
25: RoyDancing Blade is faster
25ᵋ: ChromNew fighter in Ultimate (Roy Echo Fighter)
26: Mr. Game and WatchLooks more like he did in his original games
27: Meta KnightN/A
28: PitFinal Smash change
28ᵋ: Dark PitNow named Echo Fighter
29: Zero Suit SamusFinal Smash change
30: WarioFinal Smash change
31: SnakeN/A
32: IkePath of Radiance and Radiant Dawn outfits, each with different voices
33-35: Pokémon TrainerChange Pokemon during battle with no penalty, female trainer option
36: Diddy KongN/A
37: LucasFinal Smash change
38: SonicFinal Smash change
39: King DededeFinal Smash overhaul
40: OlimarHelmet cracks when taking damage
41: LucarioN/A
42: R.O.B.Vague on cassis to show how much fuel left for hovering
43: Toon LinkN/A
44: WolfStar Fox Zero costume, upgrade to moves
45: VillagerEasier to see what you've pocketed, eight various between male and female
46: Mega ManHazards from both Mega Man Wii U and 3DS stages in Ultimate stage, Final Smash change
47: Wii Fit TrainerNew face
48: RosalinaN/A
49: Little MacFinal Smash change
50: GreninjaN/A
51-53: Mii FighterProportions tweaked, move sets enhanced, 12 voice options
54: PalutenaSpecial attacks streamlined, special now counter and a deflector
55: PAC-MANFinal Smash speed boost
56: RobinLevin Sword and tome gauge added
57: ShulkMonado Arts now requires one button press and a direction, Final Smash Change
58: Bowser Jr.N/A
59: Duck HuntN/A
60: RyuOne-on-one Ryu will always face opponent
60ᵋ: KenNew Echo Fighter in Ultimate
61: CloudLimit Gauge added
62: CorrinN/A
63: BayonettaCostumes from both games available, Rodin assist trophy
64: InklingNew fighter in Ultimate
65: RidleyNew fighter in Ultimate
66: SimonNew fighter in Ultimate
66ᵋ: RichterNew fighter in Ultimate
67: King K. RoolNew fighter in Ultimate
68: IsabelleNew fighter in Ultimate
69: IncineroarNew fighter in Ultimate
70: Piranha PlantFree DLC for early purchasers of Ultimate
71: JokerFirst character available as part of the Fighters Pass Vol 1 DLC
72: The HeroSecond character available as part of the Fighters Pass Vol 1 DLC
73: Banjo and KazooieThird character available as part of the Fighters Pass Vol 1 DLC
74: Terry BogardFourth character available as part of the Fighters Pass Vol 1 DLC
75: BylethFifth character available as part of the Fighters Pass Vol 1 DLC
76: Min MinFirst character available as part of the Fighters Pass Vol 2 DLC
77: SteveSecond character available as part of the Fighters Pass Vol 2 DLC
78: SephirothThird character available as part of the Fighters Pass Vol 2 DLC
79 / 80: Pyra / MytheraFourth character available as part of the Fighters Pass Vol 2 DLC
81: KazuyaFifth character available as part of the Fighters Pass Vol 2 DLC
82: SoraSixth character available as part of the Fighters Pass Vol 2 DLC
