Assassin's Creed Origins - Aya: Blade of the Goddess and The Battle of the Nile

Publish date: 2023-01-25
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Aya: Blade of the Goddess and The Battle of the Nile are the fifteenth and sixteenth quests you'll encounter in Assassin's Creed Origins, which have you tackle a variety of battles including some chariot-mounted action, and follows on from Ambush at Sea and Way of Gabiniani.

We'll cover everything you need to know about completing Aya: Blade of the Goddess below, while you can head back to our main Assassin's Creed Origins walkthrough and guide hub for all the other missions so far, and more.

Aya: Blade of the Goddess

Cleopatra is keen to forge an alliance with Caesar, but her brother is hell bent on keeping power and is out to have her killed, so she can't just walk in through the front door...

Note: Once you start this quest you'll be unable to fast travel or do anything else while it's active, so if you were in the middle of anything or want to gear up a bit, now's the time to do it.

The quest starts with another sea battle against a couple of smaller vessels and a biggun - try not to let them split up as it can be hard attacking and defending on two fronts, and concentrate on the large ship first as it dishes out a lot more damage than the others combined.

Once you reach shore and meet with Caesar you'll take control of Aya; she has a similar set of moves to Bayek, but you won't have Senu for aerial reconnaissance and you'll be stuck with her weapons so you may need to change your combat strategy a little in the upcoming fights.

Start by heading through the main door of Alexander's Tomb and make your way downstairs. Examine the door, and then backtrack a little to find a crack in the wall; whack it a couple of times with your sword to break through.

Head down the passage and slide through the small hole at the end, then head towards Bayek and smash the jars to the right to reveal another hole to crawl through. Jump into the water and swim down, head through the hole to a large chamber, and veer left slightly to go around the pillars and leave through the hole under the arch.

Once you're through turn right and keep swimming and you'll eventually emerge from the water. Take the passage on the right, then climb up to your left at the end to find a crack that takes you back into the tomb. Take a look at it, and then open the doors to let everyone else in.

After the cutscene you'll be heading for a fight. Call a horse and head towards the marker, and make your way into the fortress - your target is in the upstairs room between the two gates. Ideally you want to reach him without being detected, but as you can't mark your enemies there's an element of luck involved, so if you are spotted you'll need to kill some guards before you can talk to the emissary.

After the conversation you'll need to carry him to safety - we'd recommend leaving the room and turning right, dropping down to ground level, and then exiting via the gate to the right. You may need to take down a few more soldiers, but when the coast is clear grab your horse and ride back to Caesar.

Your next job is to light the brazier on top of the Pharos, the tall imposing tower on the peninsula north of Alexandria. Head towards the burning ships and use the handy overhanging branch to reach the masts, and pick your way across. Eventually one will give way and dump you in the water, so you'll have to swim the rest of the way.

If you've scaled the Pharos before be aware that the route is a little different to normal - you'll have to enter the tower halfway up on the west side via the scaffolding, and make your way up the spiral passage inside.

When you reach the top of the winding path climb back outside and clamber in through the windows above. You'll have to face off against The Guardian before you can leave the room; he's got a massive hammer, and he knows how to use it, so keep away from him while he swings it around, and then when he makes an overhead swing dodge in and hit him a few times while he's immobilised. When he's down open the door in the corner of the room and head up to trigger a cutscene.

Need more help? Our Assassin's Creed Origins walkthrough and guide will take you through every step of the main story and quests, whilst we also have guides on how to grind XP and level up, plus explainers on how Assassin's Creed Origins sidequests work, alongside how to get crafting materials and animal goods, and even complete solutions and walkthroughs to all Assassin's Creed Origins Tombs, Silica, and Anchient Mechanisms. We also have a list of all Papyrus Puzzle locations, Origins' cursed and legendary weapons and how they're acquired, and finally a detailed page Phylakes, Phylakes' Prey and how to get the Black Hood outfit.

The Battle of the Nile

You're now back in control of Bayek for an on-rails shooter. Turn and face behind your chariot and shoot the approaching soldiers - you'll be equipped with a quick-fire bow and an unlimited supply of arrows, so don't be shy with the ammo. After a while the soldiers will be replaced by a rampaging elephant. Keep firing at its head as it charges towards you - you can't kill it, but you can slow it down.

Head to the marker, and it's time for another elephant. Avoid getting near its face as it'll knock you down with its trunk; try and get behind or to one side of it and slash away at its legs, but watch out if it starts stamping. It's quick for such a big beast, but you're quicker!

Next Up: The Aftermath and The Final Weighing

Head for the next marker - it's now time to take on Septimius. He's quick and has a huge reach with his spinning chain, so dodging out of range is crucial. Wait until he switches weapon and makes an overhead swing, then dodge in while he's momentarily vulnerable.

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