Far Cry 5 - Vespiary solution

Publish date: 2022-09-19
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Far Cry 5 Vespiary is a puzzle you have to solve within the Holland Valley region.

It's one of many Prepper Stash locations you'll find throughout the game, all giving you rewards once you solve and figure out how to access them.

If you're interested in other Far Cry 5 guides, we have have articles on endings, fishing and perks.

Vespiary solution

Location: Grain Elevator

Rewards: Gold Medalist weapon skin, 3 x perk magazines, $1,000

South of Rae Rae' Pumpkin Farm, and east of the Green-Busch Fertiziler Co. Cult Outpost, you'll find the imposing site that is the Grain Elevator. A group of cultists are situated at the front of the site and will be exchanging fire with a sniper nestled at the top of the building.

You have two ways to clear this Prepper Stash.

You can either deal with all those pesky cultists (including a sniper and a VIP), rescue the NPCs held prisoner and read the note at the front.

Or you can sneak around the back (there are lots of mutilated corpses so you can't really miss where to go), climb onto the small roof between the two larger parts of the building and look for a boarded up window at the front on a raise level.

Once you're inside, you'll need to be extremely careful as this entire building is filled with wasp nests. Disturb one and you'll be stung to death, so step, leap and clamber with care. So with avoiding the wasp nests firmly in mind, turn right at the first nest and move forwards.

The ground beneath you will break and you'll fall through. Now follow the blue cord piles as your markers and climb onto the higher ledges.

Smash through another boarded up window, then climb into the next section. You'll need to leap over one wasp nest, so take a running jump to make sure you clear it with room to spare. There's also a couple of boxes to loot on your root up through the building.

The final ledges to reach the top of the building involve a lot of leaping and clambering, but if you take your time you'll be fine. There you'll find the sniper's nest and all that Prepper Stash goodness.

Looking for more Far Cry 5 guides? Learn how to complete the Arcade Dawn Live Event this week, and when you're back in the campaign, make use of our Prepper Stash locations list, which are among the most interesting missions in the game. As well as Far Cry 5 animal locations, we have an in-depth look at how to fish and hard fishing spots, as well as Bass, Trout, Salmon and Sturgeon locations. All of these can help you unlock Perks in the Challenges List, and ultimately, unlock those Far Cry 5 endings.

While you're here, check out other Prepper Stash locations within Holland Valley (John's region):

Each one will have a different collection of items, ranging from ammunition, to perk points to weapons and they're an ideal for players in their early hours of play to bank plenty of cash and unlock those perks.

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