Final Fantasy 15 reveals first female version of mechanic Cid

Publish date: 2023-06-08

A new trailer for Final Fantasy 15 has revealed the first female version of series staple Cid, a recurring - albeit constantly reinvented - character who appears in most franchise entries as a mechanic.

This latest iteration of the character - whose full name is Cidney - is sure to be a divisive choice. A young, blonde woman with a Southern US accent, this new Cid helps address criticism that the game had yet to reveal any primary female characters, what with its boy band cast and all. On the other hand, Cid's attire - or lack thereof - may not exactly be the most practical threads for the job. Kara Thrace, this isn't.

It's also worth noting that Cid is seldom a playable character, and based on the trailer, it looks like little has changed.

Some other early footage came out of anime and manga convention Jump Festa recently (via GamesMediaHQ) that shows us a little more of the game's town exploration. Apparently it also lets you play as a dog, though this appears to just be an early build feature shown off as a joke.

What do you make of the all new Cid?

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