XCOM 2 Reaper faction - Abilities, skill tree, Resistance Orders and how to recruit new Reaper units such as Elena Dragunova

Publish date: 2022-11-06
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The XCOM 2 Reaper faction is one of three added to the huge War of the Chosen expansion.

Encountered as part of the main story, and able to be recruited into your own unit starting with Elena Dragunova, Reapers are stealth and subterfuge incarnate, and are best used for infiltration and scouting the enemy position from the shadows.

Led by Volikov "Volk" Konstantin, the Reapers were established in the frozen desolation of Alaska and are known to survive by whatever means necessary.

If you need more help, our XCOM 2 War of the Chosen guide provides a breakdown on how else you can tackle the huge expansion.

XCOM 2 Tips: Top 5 Tips to Dominate Mission Combat (How to Guide for Tactics)

How to unlock and play as Reaper units, Elena Dragunova in XCOM 2

The Reaper faction is the first of the three new factions to be introduced.

How to get Reaper units and Elena Dragunova in XCOM 2

During an early story mission in which you attempt to broker peace between the Reapers and Skirmishers, you meet Elena Dragunova who will come aboard and become one of your strongest, most valuable assets.

Later in the game, it's possible to recruit an additional Reaper via a covert operation that becomes available through the Resistance Ring building type.

How to play as Elena Dragunova as other Reaper units

The first Reaper you'll encounter in the game is introduced via a slight reworking of the opening cinematic. Elena Dragunova becomes available early on in the game and is an asset to your scouting and intel gathering.

Her Shadow ability ensures she will only break cover of concealment when an enemy is either right on top of her or through taking actions in the field, such as putting a bullet between the eyes of an ADVENT trooper with her custom Vektor rifle.

Even then, Shadow is so powerful that there's a chance that she won't be revealed. Dragunova's abilities start powerful and just get better and while she may never reach the damage output of a fully suped-up Ranger, her ability to act as a stealthy insertion tool remains invaluable throughout.

Things to look out for when building your Reaper:

XCOM 2 Reaper abilities and skill tree

Training the new Reaper class works a little differently to training regular soldiers. At each rank-up, the Reaper will be awarded a handful of Ability Points to spend on an ability from their new rank. Alternatively, you can double-back and pick up a slightly cheaper ability from a previous rank, offering a degree of welcome flexibility.

This versatility is a powerful levelling tool, so it's useful to have a guide to the abilities you can expect to choose between from the table below. The Markman abilities ensure Dragunova is a deadly combatant, but Stealth abilities such as Target Definition offer huge tactical benefits, while Saboteur options like Remote Start and Homing Mine make her deadly from the shadows while ensuring she doesn't blow her cover.


Shadow - Advanced form of concealment, soldier has a chance to retain concealment after taking actionsN/ATarget Definition - Any unit seen by a Reaper remains permanently visibleSilent Killer - Kills with the Vektor rifle do not increase the Reaper's chance to break out of ShadowSting - Fire a shot while in Shadow. Guaranteed to remain in ShadowN/AN/A


Claymore - Throws a targetable environmental explosive. The Reaper is not revealed when shooting the claymore or when it is triggeredRemote Start - Detonate an environmental explosive, causing it to deal double damage within twice its normal radius. Does not reveal the ReaperShrapnel - Claymore does +3 damage and has +1 radiusDistraction - A kill with the claymore puts the Reaper into ShadowN/AHighlands - Soldier can carry an additional claymore on a missionHoming Mine - Attach a claymore onto an enemy (does not alert the enemy).


N/ABlood Trail - Shots deal +1 damage if the target has been wounded this turnN/ANeedle - Shots taken in Shadow have +2 armour piercingSoul Harvest - Kill shots increase crit chance by 5, to a maximum of 20Banish - Fire at a target until you run out of ammo or it dies. Reveals the ReaperAnnihilate - When you kill a target with Banish, you will continue firing at another enemy (until you run out of ammo)


NonePossible chance for a random ability from another classPossible chance for a random ability from another classPossible chance for a random ability from another classPossible chance for a random ability from another classPossible chance for a random ability from another classPossible chance for a random ability from another class

If you need more help with XCOM 2's expansion, our XCOM 2: War of the Chosen guide and tips can explain everything you need to know, from how to beat The Chosen Assassin, Warlock and Hunter and the new The Lost, Spectre and Advent units. Combat them by learning about each new faction with our Reaper abilities and skill tree, Skirmisher abilities and skill tree and Templar abilities and skill tree pages, as well as learning about the new Challenge Mode, Resistance Ring, Ability Points, Fatigue and Bonds systems. Good luck, Commander!

XCOM 2 Reaper Resistance Orders

Aside from the powerful individual soldier abilities that a Reaper boasts, the Reaper faction can also benefit you through a number of Resistance Orders. These are issued at month end and take effect throughout the following month, up until the next supply drop.

Amongst the most useful of the Reaper's Resistance Orders are:

Increasing your standing with the Reaper faction by undertaking both covert operations and the occasional Faction mission that they pass your way ensures you gain access to the most useful orders, in the shortest possible time. You will also unlock additional order slots so that you can have multiple orders active at any one time.

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