Fallout 4 - Jewel of the Commonwealth, Diamond City, Piper, Trinity Tower Radio

Publish date: 2023-01-09
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Go to Diamond City

Now that you've managed to open up a few more quests, it's time to continue your search for your missing son - and where better to resume your investigation than Diamond City? This sprawling metropolis lies some distance to the south-east of the map, so you've got a fair bit of walking to do before you arrive.

Ensure that Jewel of the Commonwealth is set as your current quest then, to speed things up a bit, open your map and fast travel back to Lexington, home of the Corvega Assembly Plant from a little earlier. The city lies almost exactly south of here, so you'll cut out some traipsing time by jumping to Lexington first.

Fallout 4 - 11 cool locations you may have missed - Fallout Friday

As Lexington isn't the safest place to explore, you should consider walking around the outskirts of town rather than pressing on through the streets, heading approximately south as you go. Once you're clear of the area, start your trek across the wasteland toward Diamond City, using the marker on your compass as a guide.

A little way out of Lexington, you'll likely receive a message that you've discovered Military Frequency AF95, adding the quest Fire Support to your log. For now though, continue south down the hillside until you reach the river below. Locate the nearby bridge (we'll be using the one directly south of Lexington) and make your way to the other side.

Discovered: Beantown Brewery

Directly ahead lies the large, semi-illuminated Beantown Brewery. You're free to make your way through the blue door and explore its innards if you so choose but, for now, we'll continue on our journey toward Diamond City. Thankfully, there's not much further to travel - and your destination lies a relatively short distance to the south-east.

Follow the objective marker on your compass and, soon, you'll reach the brow of a hill from which it's possible to see the glow of Diamond City and a cluster of crumbling skyscrapers on the horizon. Make your way down the hill and continue south-east, sticking close to the river bank on your left.

Before long, you'll reach a low green building on the very outskirts of the city. There's a road immediately to the south of the building so join in then head left, moving east along the street. Pass under the bridge ahead (there's a red car stationed below it) and continue forward until you reach the upended truck.

From here, follow the right-hand road south, heading directly toward the objective marker. Shortly, you'll pick up a signal form Trinity Tower Radio. Bring up your Pip-Boy and select Trinity Tower Radio from the relevant menu - you'll hear a distress signal from a man calling himself Rex Goodman, apparently being held prisoner by super mutants on top of Trinity Tower. Listening to the broadcast will add the Curtain Call quest to your log.

For now though, continue forward until you reach the large wall ahead - this is actually the perimeter wall of the city's baseball stadium and Diamond City lies inside. Take a right at the junction and start moving west. Keep the stadium wall close to your left and follow it around as it turns south again.

Before long, you'll notice graffiti pointing you toward Diamond City. Continue south and pass beneath the tall scaffolding erected across the road. Once on the other side, take a left and approach the woman having an argument with a man on the intercom, immediately outside the sealed stadium entrance. When the woman (AKA Piper) finishes her conversation, she'll turn and talk to you.

Tell Piper that you want to get into Diamond City and the man on the intercom will open the gate - easy! Finish off your conversation then enter the building.

Find information about Shaun

Hang tight while the mayor and Piper argue then tell them that you support the news. Ask them what they're arguing about then reveal that you're looking for a missing person. Explain that you're searching for your son then see if the mayor knows someone that can help. You'll be directed toward Valentine's Detective Agency somewhere in the city and, once the conversation is over, the Story of the Century quest will be added to your log for later.

Go to Valentine's Detective Agency

Your first port of call, however, should be Valentine's Detective Agency which lies deeper into the city. Look for the guarded entrance directly ahead (it's marked on your compass), head on through then begin climbing the steps on the other side.

Discovered: Diamond City

You'll emerge overlooking the filthy cluster of multicoloured shacks and tarpaulins that make up Diamond City. Descend the steps and proceed toward the belching chimney in the centre of the area.

Valentine's Detective Agency lies to the north-east, as indicated by the objective marker on your compass. Wind your way through the streets and pause once you reach the yellow Commonwealth Weaponry store ahead. A new objective (Explore the Combat Zone) will be added to the Miscellaneous category in your quest log as you approach.

(In fact, it's worth taking a few minutes to investigate the market as you'll quickly gather up a host of new quests - such as Investigate the Museum of Witchcraft, See Abbot at the Wall and Give Sheffield a Nuka Cola - simply by listening in on the general chatter in the area.)

When you're ready to continue, return to Commonwealth Weaponry, orientate yourself so that you're facing the store then take a left. Proceed forward and, once you reach the schoolhouse building, turn right. You'll spot a sign pointing toward the detective agency immediately ahead so follow it down the alley to the right then step inside the building once you reach the entrance.

Inside, approach the woman sorting through the files and engage her in conversation. If available, use the 'It's important' persuasion option and you'll learn that the detective has gone missing. Ask if there are any clues pointing to his whereabouts and you'll learn that Detective Nick Valentine was last seen working on a case at Park Street Station. Offer to help find him and the Jewel of the Commonwealth quest will come to a close.

- Keep reading for our guide to completing Fallout 4: Unlikely Valentine.

- Stuck somewhere else? Head back to the first page for the rest of our Fallout 4 guide.

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