Fallout 4 - Mercer Safehouse, Signal Interceptor, Tinker Tom, Reflector Platform

Publish date: 2023-01-19
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Secure Starlight Drive-In and then use the workshop

Leave Railroad HQ, backtrack through the crypt and make your way outside. Your next destination is the Starlight Drive-in, just north of Lexington. Call up your Pip-Boy map and fast travel to Lexington, following the objective marker north on your arrival. Approach the large blue movie screen then slip through the fence to access the car-strewn parking lot.

Discovered: Starlight Drive-in

Once you reach the drive-in, the Mercer Safehouse quest and the Taking Point: Starlight Drive-in quest (that you received from Preston Garvey earlier in the game) will run in tandem - assuming you haven't completed the latter already. Head north toward the blue tower in the centre of the parking lot and eliminate the mole rats that attack. Once the area is clear, locate the small blue shack on the north-western edge of the drive-in. Pick the lock, step inside and activate the workbench to continue.

In order to complete the Mercer Safehouse quest, you'll need to fortify area's defences to 100%, while the Taking Point: Starlight Drive-in quest requires you to build a Recruitment Radio Beacon. Neither step is necessary to progress the story, however.

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The Molecular Level (continued)

When you're ready to focus on your main objective, access the workbench, open the Special menu and select the Stabilised Reflector Platform. Find a place to position it outside and build it to complete your first mission-critical construction project.

Talk to Tinker Tom

Once the Reflector Platform is dealt with, return to Tinker Tom. Open your Pip-Boy map and fast travel back to Railroad HQ. Once you've located Tom and engaged him in conversation, tell him the platform is ready. You'll learn that your next task requires three specialty items - a circuit board, a sensor module and a biometric scanner. Thank him for his help and three new objectives will be added to your log: Build the Beam Emitter, Build the Relay Dish, and Build the Console.

Build the Beam Emitter, Relay Dish, and Control Console

With any luck, you'll have found the required specialty items already - simply through general play. If not, investigate the three new optional objectives added to your log: Search military sites for a circuit board, Search telecom sites for a sensor module, and Search hospitals for a biometric scanner. Each objective guides you to a different location containing one of the missing parts. These locations - Milton General Hospital, the Coast Guard Pier and the Federal Ration Stockpile - have been added to your map

To begin, open your Pip-Boy and fast travel back to the Starlight Drive-in (or wherever you build your Reflector Platform). Access the workbench and note that the Molecular Beam Emitter, Relay Dish and Control Console have been added to Special menu. If you already have the resources required to make them, build, place and power them up immediately.

If you're still missing components, make your way to each optional location in turn (visiting the hospital for the scanner, the pier for the sensor module and the stockpile for the circuit board), and use the objective marker to quickly locate the parts that you need. Once each part is yours, return to your safehouse workbench then assemble and place the Molecular Beam Emitter, Relay Dish and Control Console.

Power up the Signal Interceptor

Once the Signal Interceptor is complete, you'll need to supply power to each individual component. If you've reached Level 1 of the Science! perk, consider crafting several large generators - each capable of outputting 10 units of power. Alternatively, build numerous smaller generators to drive the machine. If you run out of building materials, remember that you can turn items around the environment into scrap while in workshop mode.

Talk to Desdemona

Once the Signal Interceptor is powered, locate Desdemona nearby and engage her in conversation. Ask her about Patriot and she'll reveal that the Railroad needs you to make contact. It seems that Patriot (whoever they may be) has been helping synths escape the Institute. Inquire how you'll make contact then promise to do your best. Agree to be the Railroad's 'agent on the inside' then wrap up the conversation.

Use the Signal Interceptor

When you're ready to continue, step onto the Signal Interceptor and wait for the teleportation device to blast your molecules over to the Institute. Once you've reached your destination, the Molecular Level quest will come to a close and the new Underground Undercover quest will be added to your log. It's time to go find your son!

- The next part of our walkthrough explains how to complete the Fallout 4: Institutionalised quest.

- Return to the index page for more entries in our Fallout 4 guide.

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