Uncharted 4 - Chapter 11: Hidden in Plain Sight

Publish date: 2022-11-24
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Now we head to the port city location of Madagascar for a busy chapter of exploration, climbing, puzzle-solving and high-octane action. Here we walk you through the whole chapter, complete with treasure locations, conversations, a trophy to win and a puzzle solution.

Follow Sully through the crowded marketplace towards the tower. Obviously it's locked, so you'll have to find another way in.

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Head to the right and shimmy across the pillars to the open window ahead. Climb through and drop down into the building, and examine the sigil in the middle of the floor. Head up the steps and open the door, then place your coin in the central pillar.

Look at your journal, then use your rope to climb to the collapsed stairs. Jump across to the broken platform, then to the hanging weight, and work your way round to the other side and across to the next platform.

Climb onto the wooden barricade and jump for the right-hand weight. As it descends, jump across to the left hand one - you'll need to time it fairly precisely so that you grab the second-from-the-top handhold, then jump up quickly and then to the left to grab the wooden beam.

Head up the crumbling steps, then use the clock mechanism to cross to the other side of the tower - when hanging onto the gears, you'll need to keep moving to avoid falling off, and you'll also have to time a jump to make it through the gap in the largest gear. Don't ring this bell yet, and instead climb up another set of gears and head left.

Ring the Scorpio bell, then jump down and ring the Aquarius bell. Turn right and time a jump through the large gear across to another weight and use it to return to the Leo bell and give it a ring. Climb back up to the Scorpio bell and jump across via the gears to the swinging pendulum. Climb to the top and jump to the wooden beam behind you, then ring the Taurus bell.

After the cutscene, a set of stairs will descend. Head up and use your rope on the shaft behind you to swing back across. Climb the beam and grab the lever to temporarily stop the clock, then quickly climb the large gear and jump to your left before it restarts. Climb onto the right-hand side of the gear to your left and spin it until the clock hand visible through the glass is pointing left, then head through the open window and make your way up and to the right to the flagpole in the corner - don't linger too long on the minute hand, as it'll start to move and then fall off.

Attach your rope to the pole and wall-run round the corner. Grab the handholds and climb up to the balcony above, then turn right and enter the tower via a short flight of steps.

Turn the handle, then head round to the left and jump across to the bottom of the clapper and swing to ring the bell and let chaos ensue. When you slide down the gear, jump from the bottom to grab the pendulum, then when it deposits you on top of another gear keep jumping up until you're given a rope point, then use it to swing to the ground.

Head down the steps and lift the barrier out of the way, squeeze through the gap, head down the stairs, and open the doors to find a puzzle room.

Chapter 11 puzzle solution

Examine the device in the centre of the room for an introductory puzzle. You need to line up the stars on the edges, so turn the left one anticlockwise and the right one clockwise. When you're presented with the second puzzle, hit [CIRCLE] to leave the machine - the game won't let you solve it by trial or by knowing the solution in advance, so we'll have to look for clues.

Head through the door that opened, stand in front of each picture, hold L2 and locate the square on each one to add an entry to your journal. The marks on the squares represent where the stars would be on each of the puzzle panels. You can solve the puzzle in your journal and then copy the results to the device, or just complete it on the device. Either way, starting with all pieces upright, the solution is:

Take a photo of the new symbols, then repeat the process in the new room - one of the pictures needs picking up, and your phone will ring after making a note of the first square so Sam can tell you who's who. Once you've found the squares, open your journal to solve it, then fill it in on the mechanism.

Repeat the process for the third room - it's a little trickier as there are four pieces, and two of the pirates are unknown. If you're solving it in your journal, then place the left unknown piece in the right gap, and the right unknown piece in the left gap. The solution is:

Once the puzzles are solved, take pictures of the three silver circles, then after the cutscene follow Sully. Open the door and head through the market, and once you get down the steps, a firefight will break out. The armoured car that shows up is indestructible, so keep behind cover and advance on it to force it to move. Push forward, enter the hotel, and head up the stairs. Cross the balcony, jump onto the flat roof and then the sun awnings, and make a leap for your jeep below.

You're now in a high-speed escape. Head down the hill, take a right to make a shortcut through a grassy patch, and when the armoured car reappears take a quick left down a narrow dirt street.

Carry on down the hill, take another left, and head through the arch. When the armoured car cuts you off again take another left, head straight through the narrow gap, through another arch, and down some steps.

When you emerge into a large square bear right. A bus will block your path so turn right down a wide backstreet, right through the building under renovations, and straight across the square. Keep your foot firmly on the gas and aim for the blue-grey steps in the far corner and they'll launch you into the air. Down the grassy slope, turn left at the bottom, and when you reach the earthworks drive into the hole and then up the slope on the right.

When the armoured car reappears, turn right down another grassy area. Smash through the shed at the bottom and drive over the rooftops until you rejoin the road, then at the corner head off-road towards the tower. Keep heading forwards through the mud - the precise path is up to you, but they'll all head in more or less the same way.

You'll pass under the main road a few times, and eventually run parallel to it. When you get close enough to the crane, throw your rope, then haul yourself up it. Swing right to avoid the wooden bollards, and after you hit the scaffolding, quickly regain some height to miss the boat. Swing right to avoid the next bollard, and when you're on the mud keep climbing until you can swing to the back of the truck.

There's now a protracted vehicle-bound firefight - we found shooting the vehicles to be more effective than aiming for the occupants, but however you play it, at some point Nathan will say "time to bail". Climb to the front of the truck and jump across to the next one and resume the fighting.

The next time it's "time to bail", jump to the jeep to your right, fight off the passenger and driver, and now you're a bit more in control. Give chase for a while, then pull yourself onto the next truck, and then bail onto another jeep. Drive a bit further and you'll catch up with Sam.

You'll be T-boned and end up underneath your jeep. Mash [TRIANGLE] to lift the seat, then grab the rail on the left and the one on the right. Hit [TRIANGLE] again to open the door and then shoot the two enemies ahead. Sam will come and pick you up, and then the armoured car will give chase. Keep unloading your gun into the front of it as it pursues you, and eventually you'll escape its clutches.

Walkthrough navigation:

- The next part of our walkthrough explains how to complete Uncharted 4 - Chapter 12: At Sea.

- Return to the index page of this article for the rest of our Uncharted 4 walkthrough.

Other guides:

- Struggling to track down a Treasure? Have a look at our Uncharted 4 Treasures and collectibles guide.

Other guides:

- Struggling to track down a Treasure? Have a look at our Uncharted 4 Treasures and collectibles guide.

- For details on how to unlock all of the game's Trophies, take a look at our Uncharted 4 Trophy guide.

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