Dark Souls - Kiln of the First Flame strategy

Publish date: 2023-01-09
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Kiln of the First Flame is the final area of Dark Souls before you take on the game's final boss.

If you're looking for more help, our Dark Souls walkthrough and guide can help with all other areas of the game, including the dreaded Taurus Demon, Capra Demon, Ornstein and Smough bosses.

How to visit Kiln of the First Flame

First, you have to beat four other bosses in the following areas:

Once done, head to Firelink Altar from Firelink Shrine and go over to Kingseeker Frampt. Chat to him or jump down the hole he's coming out from to land at the Altar in order to get to the final area of the game.

When you have gathered the Four Lord Souls from Nito, Seath, Bed of Chaos and the Four Kings. Head back to Firelink Altar and offer the souls up in order to open up the doorway to the Kiln of the First Flame.

Kiln of the First Flame

This area is full of Black Knights who will challenge your parrying and backstabbing skills to their limits.

Head down into the white doorway, but do not be alarmed by the knights passing through here, they are just there for show and will not at all attack you. Head down into the main area of the Kiln and proceed forward. Watch your footing, as you can accidentally walk up a slope and be a little bit disoriented. The first Black Knight you encounter will be a Sword and Shield Knight.

Wait for the long lunge that this knight does, then backstab it. You can bait this out a few times and it will be down very quickly.

Proceed forward and you will fight a Greatsword Black Knight, this one also has a long lunge, but can follow this attack up and hurtle you into the air with their attack. Watch out and capitalise on how slow this Knight's attacks are in order to defeat it on your way to the final boss.

Proceed onto the small walkways ahead of you and to the right you will see an item, but also another Sword & Shield Knight coming for you, be careful on these narrow pathways and try to capitalise on learning how to parry here, it'll come in useful later.

Continue here and you will find the Black Knight's Armour Set. Then, push forwards heading for solid ground. Proceed down the stairs and you will encounter an Axe Knight, this one has some pretty huge gaps left open after the Axe swing up, so backstab here to get rid of this one.

Finally, at the bottom you will face a Lance-wielding Black Knight, this one is a bit trickier, but this one also has some pretty huge gaps left open that you are able to exploit for backstabs.

If you're looking for more help, our Dark Souls walkthrough and guide can help with all other areas of the game, including the dreaded Taurus Demon, Capra Demon, Ornstein and Smough bosses. Meanwhile, we have explainers on how to access DLC Artorias of the Abyss, the best gift and best class in Dark Souls, Dark Souls' best weapons, Dark Souls Covenants, Dark Souls Estus Flasks locations, Dark Souls Titanite Slab locations and NPC quests including Lautrec of Carim.

The Kiln is a great place to farm for materials, due to the Black Knights dropping every kind of chunk. Use this to upgrade your weapons as much as you can before facing off against the game's final boss- Lord Gwyn. When you are ready and have as many healing items as you can, head through the fog gate and prepare to face your last boss battle - Gwyn, Lord of Cinder.

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