Uncharted 4 - Chapter 10: The Twelve Towers

Publish date: 2023-04-11
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Now the action switches to Madagascar, and we've got a new kind of gameplay for Uncharted: open exploration of the countryside by car. There are alternative routes and secrets galore to find in this section, so we've got lots of treasure locations, journal notes, and optional conversations for you below.

Follow the dirt road forwards and then round to the right. Crest the small slope and head for the ruins, get out, and take a look around before returning to the vehicle and rejoining the road.

Cross the lake and head under the bridge. Turn right, drive up the slope and make your way across the bridge.

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Drive up the wet slope - you'll need to stick to the rocky areas to get any traction, so stay right on the first slope then turn sharp left and take the long way around. Drop down at the end and drive into the river - to your right about halfway along is a rocky slope with tire tracks on, so head up there and follow the path round. Keep the lake on your right hand side and drive to the small stream at the far side and up another stone ramp. The road takes a couple of sharp hairpins here, so drive carefully as you follow its winding course.

Drop into the next area and park the truck in the puddle. Get out and head up the steps to the tower, climb inside it, look around, and then examine the nearby tree. Return to the truck, grab the winch hook, wrap it around the tree, and then drive the truck to the top of the slope before detaching the winch and heading onwards.

Head up the hill and admire the scenery as you reach the top, then head down into the valley below. It doesn't really matter which road you follow as they all end up in the same place, so take your pick and keep following the tire tracks.

Drop down into the next area, head up the slope to the left and keep following the path - there's trouble ahead!

There are lots of ways to tackle the combat here - but by now you probably have a preferred tactic, so just do that thing that you do to clear out the area.

When the area is secure, drive across the bridge. It'll collapse, so get out, grab the winch and wrap it round both supports, then reverse to make a ramp allowing you to get to the other side. Keep following the trail - again, all roads eventually end up in the same place, so the actual route is up to you, just aim for higher ground on the far side of the area then head right.

When you arrive at the large tower, get out and explore the area. It's safe now, but you will be under attack later, so getting a feel for the lie of the land is helpful. Once you've got your bearings, cross the moat and head for the drawbridge control, then cross back and climb the tower - there are handholds at the back, then shimmy right and jump through the first window, jump across to the wooden struts, climb to the top and then over to the outside, climb left, and then up to the top. Give the crate a shove, and when you reach the other side use it to climb to the drawbridge controls.

When the drawbridge is half open, enemies will start pouring into the area in waves. Your vantage point is reasonably safe, but you may need to cross to the other side of the moat to deal with them. Once order is restored, open the bridge, return to the truck, and move out.

Follow the trail up the hill, and get out when you reach the stairs. Grab the winch and wrap it round the tree - you may notice it's hard to do without also running it round the rock, and, predictably, when you return to the truck and start moving, things go a little sideways. (It's a scripted event and happens even if you avoid the rock, so don't waste your time trying.)

When the truck is dangling precariously and you're hanging off the back, climb up and resume your seat and hoist the vehicle out of danger. When you're safe again, untie the winch and head for the bridge - you'll need to hit it at speed to clear the gap, so don't spare the horses.

When you reach the other side, you'll be saying goodbye to the truck for now, so climb out and head on on foot. Climb the steps and examine the blocked entrance, then get Sam to help you smash open the door on the building to the left.

Head inside and turn to your right. Push the suspicious-looking bookcase out of the way then grab a powder keg from the far corner of the room. Toss it over to the blocked-up doorway and shoot it to clear a path. Head through, up the stairs, and open the portcullis.

Make your way down the spiral stairs and follow Sam to the map room. After the cutscene plays, you'll have to take on a handful of enemies, then talk to Sam to end the chapter.

Walkthrough navigation:

- The next part of our walkthrough explains how to complete Uncharted 4 - Chapter 11: Hidden in Plain Sight.

- Return to the index page of this article for the rest of our Uncharted 4 walkthrough.

Other guides:

- Struggling to track down a Treasure? Have a look at our Uncharted 4 Treasures and collectibles guide.

Other guides:

- Struggling to track down a Treasure? Have a look at our Uncharted 4 Treasures and collectibles guide.

- For details on how to unlock all of the game's Trophies, take a look at our Uncharted 4 Trophy guide.

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