Pokémon Go Weather effects system benefits and boosts explained to help you get Cacnea and Lotad

Publish date: 2023-04-21

Pokémon Go Weather effects add something new to consider when going out to look for Pokémon in the wild.

Whether it's raining, sunny or just plain cloudy, different Pokémon will appear based on your local weather, and give boosts to certain Types related to how it's looking outside - so expect Fire Types to be that little bit stronger when the sun is out.

Released alongside the December 2017 Gen 3 update, though we don't know the full extent of how weather changes every spawn, we have a good idea of the many benefits it will bring.

What are Pokémon Go Weather effects?

For the first time in the game, as well as your geographical surroundings (such as bodies of water) affecting the types of creatures that spawn, the local weather will change what creatures you see and how they behave.

Weather effects will impact the game in four ways:

There are numerous weather effects. First indications show that it does make certain creatures become far more common - or rarer - and though there doesn't appear to be any weather exclusive spawns, long term it could have interesting dynamics on the game's meta based on creatures that are more popular based on climate, through to how powerful they are during certain seasons.

Looking for more Pokémon go tips and tricks? The latest is event is Legendary Week, following the final wave of Gen 3 Pokémon arrived in February, introducing the likes of Castform and Swablu, as well as changes to 2km, 5km and 10km Egg charts, region exclusives, Buddy distances and Shinies. Ever-expanding Pokédex completionists, meanwhile, might want to read about the various Special Items available as well as the various methods for determining Eevee evolutions, too.

Pokémon Go Weather effects boosts and benefits

There are multiple weather effects, each boosting certain Types with increased spawns, effectiveness in battle and bonus Stardust when caught.

WeatherTypes Boosted
Party CloudyNormal, Rock
CloudyFairy, Fighting, Poison
FogDark, Ghost
RainWater, Electric, Bug
SnowIce, Steel
SunnyGrass, Ground, Fire
ClearGrass, Ground, Fire
WindyDragon, Flying, Psychic

Thanks to The Silph Road subreddit for filling in the gaps on the above.

How to get Cacnea and Lotad

As mentioned above, though there no weather exclusive creatures (since that would put certain parts of the world at a disadvantage) some creatures have a far higher chance of spawning certain weather types.

These are few and far between, but notable Pokémon include:

Others suspected include Anorith and Lileep, both which seem to appear more often when Cloudy.

Everything else we know about Pokémon Go Weather effects

There's obviously a little more nuance to the above:

It’s been snowing all morning, but @PokemonGoApp refuses to believe it 🤔 #uksnow pic.twitter.com/VrwEiM0Pd2

— Matthew Reynolds (@Crazyreyn) December 10, 2017 To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings
